Self Help
There are tools available online at that you can access if you are feeling unwell or if you want more information a condition or illness. There is also information on which conditions your community pharmacy can help with without the need to see a GP first.
Self Referrals
There are a number of services available that you can access yourself without the need to see your GP first. As long as you fit the criteria and requirements that the service asks for you can refer yourself. Please visit for more information and to access these services.
Self-Referral Services
You can now self-refer to following services by clicking the links or calling the numbers below.
New Pregnancy
If you are newly pregnant, please email the midwives at You must include the information below:
- GP surgery
- Full name
- Address
- Telephone number
- 1st day of last period
Anxiety, Depression, Stress and other mental health concerns
If you are in crisis, please contact the TEWV Crisis Team on 0800 0516 171.
For life changing support and services to those struggling with depressions, stress, anxiety and other mental and emotional issues, you can self-refer to the following service by visiting Impact on Teesside or calling 01642 573 924.
Contraception and sexual health
For free and confidential sexual health services in Teesside including information and advice on all types of contraception and STI testing and treatment visit Teesside Sexual Health Service or call 0300 330 1122.
Cancer Support
The community specialist palliative care team (CSPCT) in Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland work closely with other specialist palliative care providers across the trust.
The team provide both short term interventions to try and resolve a specific problem and at other times where there may be more complex situations which require longer term care.
The nursing team is available seven days a week 8.30am to 4.30pm, please contact them on 01642 065070, option 2.
Local support information
Are you a Carer?
If you are please let us know, we may be able to help you.
There is a wealth of information on NHS UK about carers and caring.
Contact Carers Direct
Telephone: 0808 802 0202
Helpline Information:
Age Concern
Telephone service for older people, their families and other people working with them: 0800 00 99 66
Care Line
Telephone counselling service for the public: 020 8514 1177
Carers Line
Advice and information for all carers: 0808 808 7777
Help line for children and young people to age 18: 0800 1111
Cruse Bereavement Care
Help line for bereaved people and those caring for bereaved people: 0870 167 1677
Offers advice, information, and support to anyone concerned about their own or someone else's drinking: 0800 917 8282
24-hour help line for drug users and solvent misusers, their families and carers: 0800 77 66 00
Help the Aged - Senior Line
Advice and information for older people: 0808 800 6565
24-hour help line for children and young people or anyone concerned about a child or young person at risk of abuse: 0808 800 5000
National charity providing safe accommodation for women experiencing domestic violence: 0808 808 9999
Shelter Line
24-hour housing advice: 0808 800 4444
The Samaritans
24 hour confidential and emotional support help line for anyone in crisis: 08457 90 90 90
Victim Support
Help line offering emotional support and practical advice for anyone affected by crime: 0845 30 30 900
Rape Crisis
0808 802 9999
Support Line
01708 765200
NYAS National Youth and Advocacy Service
0808 808 1001
Stop It Now
Together we can prevent child sexual abuse - for confidential help and support: 0808 1000 900
Help at Hand
Support and help for children – making sure your views, feelings and wishes are heard and taken seriously: 08005280731